Donations & Transparency

wdhc Field Manual

Purchase our book from and 1/4 of the profit goes to the author, the other 3/4 of the profits will be donated to the nonprofit organization! Do your part in helping your community, and get something tangible in return!

What exactly do we do

Our mission is to improve our community through morality, health, and self defense. We are a one stop holistic health and preventative medicine shop,  that anyone can afford. We are currently in the startup phase and searching for funding, but plan to be up and running soon to serve our communities, and be the change we wish to see in the world. 

Please Help!!!


Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Health & Wellness

Join us in our mission to improve our community through morality health and self defense. Wu De Health & Combat provides holistic healing and preventative care to make healthcare more affordable. Contribute to a brighter future today!

Support Health & Wellness

Non-Profit Pages we are Verified Through 

Why Donate???

Thousands of years ago, there was a great emperor in China. He ended up getting sick. He called his advisors and requested the find the 4 best doctors in all of China. 

The 4th best doctor came in. He was carrying a bed, a large suitcase, and an operating table. He opened the suitcase, and it was full of knives, scalpels, saws and other sharp tools. The emperor asked, "what will you do with those?" to which the doctor replied, "I am a surgeon, I am going to cut you open and fix the damage you have already done to your body!" No no no, that will not do", replied the Emperor. "Send in the next doctor!"

The 3rd best doctor came in. He was carrying a bed, and a large suitcase. He opened the suitcase, and it was full of large pills, needles, IV bags, and other types of medications. The emperor asked, "what will you do with those?" to which the doctor replied, "I am a medical doctor, I am going to treat your symptoms so you can live more comfortably with your diseases!" No no no, that will not do", replied the Emperor. "Send in the next doctor!"

The 2nd best doctor came in. He was carrying a bed, and a bag. He opened the bag, and it was full of needles, matches, herbs, and moxibustion cups. The emperor asked, "what will you do with those?" to which the doctor replied, I am an acupuncturist, "I am going to stab you with needles, and light these cups on fire and stick them on your skin to balance your energies!" No no no, that will not do", replied the Emperor. "Send in the next doctor!"

The best doctor entered quietly, dressed quaintly, and with no tools. The emperor laughed. "YOU! YOU ARE THE BEST DOCTOR IN CHINA?! YOU HAVE NO EQUIPMENT! HOW WILL YOU TREAT ME?!!!" The doctor calmly smiled. I teach Tai Chi and Qigong. It is preventative medicine. I make sure you never get sick in the first place... 

Moral of this story, we teach preventative medicine, so YOU don't have to pay high doctor bills and waste your time away in hospitals. a donation to us is a donation to the health and well being of your community. We appreciate any donations and any shares or words of encouragement. Thank you so much for your support. 

Transparency is part of our mission. After our first year of service, all financial information will be publicly displayed on this page, so you know exactly where your donations went to!!!

Financial Transparency

Letter of Determination

To prove our IRS Tax Deductible Status

Certificate of Filing

To prove we are a legal Tax Deductible 501c3 in Texas

Wdhc Funding plan for 2022-2023

Funding Plan 2022-2023

This is a breakdown of what we project funding to look like for this year. This will be updated again June 2023